Friday, September 25, 2020
Writing tasks
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Maori reading
Hello people
This week it is maori language week so we do reading that has got to do with maori and one of my tasks is to make signs for the classroom and make how to count to 31 in maori for toroa and to make a feelings book with the emotions and what it is in maori and make a slideshow showing 5 cities in new zealand and their maori name and make a word search with maori colors.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Science fair test
Hi people
This week we have been making our own fair tests and me and my buddy made the M&Ms and milk experiment and we were going to compare it with our skittles and milk experiment.
Tongan glossary and 10 facts and why go there
Hello people
This week we have been reading a book about coconuts and we have to make a glossary video with Tongan words and what they mean and we have to also make a google drawing of 10 fatcs about tonga and why go to tonga for tourists and walt use a range of strategies to build vocabulary knowledge