
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

slj summer haiku

 Hi people
today i have been learning about haikus and they are poems with the first sentice 5 sylliballs and the second sentence 7 and the third is also 5 sylliballs then we have to write what we do at home then i did one about me doing homework everyday

Thursday, December 31, 2020

slj which one doesnt belong

 Hi people reading this

Today there was a slideshow and you have to tell which is diffrent but there could be more diffrent and possibly all of the the odd on out and at the end there is one that i made and you shoulkd try it out

Slj what are you doing today?

Hello readers today i have been listening to some people saying things in maori and I have to rearrange some words into the right place

Slj triangle illusion

 Hello people
Today I made an illision when it is a triangle and it looks 3d but you cant get it in real life like a 3d printed one because it is very confusing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

SLJ floral insect art

Hello readers
Today at home I have been doing the summer learning journey and in the slideshow there was a video for us to watch and it was about a man who does art by making insects with the objects from his garden then I made this moth. The body and the anntenae part was made out of a twig and the wings were made out of these leaves i found on my tree in my backyard. Finally, the circles on the anntenae were made from green leaves that are cut into these tiny circle shapes. Here is the moth that I made

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ fishing false teeth

 Hello readers
Today we did a summer learning journey activity and we watched this short video where there are two people on the boat and there is a prank watch the video in the slide to see what happens. first we have to do this template to help us understand the text and a comic to think what the people are saying because the video has no talking here is my work

Monday, December 14, 2020


 Hello reader
Today at math we learnt pattern sequence and how to solve them we have to make our own patterns for other people to solve and here is my pattern for you to solve